"When Your Family's Lost a Loved One"
Written by Davis & Nancy Guthrie
Copyright 2008
Tyndale House Publishers,Inc
(buying info. on bookshelf on bottom)
Written by Davis & Nancy Guthrie
Copyright 2008
Tyndale House Publishers,Inc
(buying info. on bookshelf on bottom)
Ever had a friend who had a death in their family. You could not find the right thing to say. Maybe you felt awkward being around them. Have noticed they are not the same around you. This Book By David & Nancy Guthrie "When Your Family's Lost a Loved One" has stories of others experiencing those Feelings. I originally bought the Book to help me. My Mother passed away and my families grieving was so different I had a hard time understanding them. However during the process of reading the book, All the misunderstanding seem to melt away. The most important thing I learned was that my view of things was dim. Grieving can cause rift in family and friendships. Yes Relationships change after a death, but how can one deal with it for the rest of their life?
The Guthries', a Family of Five becomes a family of Three. Two of their children born with Zellweger Syndrome, which gave them short lives. Along their journey of life they meet others going through a journey of loss. The Book is complied of interviews and stories of journeys through the pain. Each one is different, for no two people mourn the same. Through the interviews and stories one sees the light is on, guiding your journey of Life.
I found myself saying "Ya, that's how I felt..." now I understand why. I laughed and cried, was lost in feelings and then enlightened to thoughts. Realizing people mean well even if it seems not. Understanding the different thought patterns in people was a God send. I could go on and on but I will not. For you need to read the Book to see for yourself.
The Book is written well. It is not a boring or an instructional read. I would recommend it for all who are touch in some way by Death.