The life You've Always Searched For...
But Were Too Cluttered To Find
Simply Organized
By Emilie Barnes
This book is a how to book. It has Three sections: Simply Organized For you, At Home and Especially for the Kids.
I found the Introduction very interesting. A simply question, Me Get Organized? is explored. Her ideas with list of things you might need to assist you in this Task.
The first section Simply Organized..For You guides you through four tools to help jump start the program. The Purse and Wardrobe are looked at in detail. In the Second Section...At Home she leads you down the path of cleaning out the clutter. What I most like about this book is its' simplicity. Every thing she tells you is not hard and the advice is precious. There is even a subsection on Meal Planing, who couldn't use that!
Simply Organized..Especially for the kids is a guide to teach your children. Teaching them at any age can halt the pattern.
There are many Charts included, making it easy to manage in your busy life. I have used the information in this book for several years. Although I am not Prefect(yet) someday I will be as organized as Emily Barnes seems to be.
This book has a place on my Book Shelf Indeed.