I got a new Instant Pot the month. Very Impressed with it! I have always used Pressure, Slow and Rice cookers, and Yogurt makers in my Life. They are the most time saving devices in my opinion.
Now I am ready to let go of the single devices. This Instant pot is amazing!! Now you can replace all of them with this one.
First thing I made was Mac and cheese. What a success, all the family love it. It was ready in 10 minutes. Unbelievable! Then I did Rice, that had a learning curve. However, I figured it out and it took about 10 minutes also. Chicken breast was next. Cooked it from completely frozen. It took about 25 minutes. The Chicken was shredded for a meal. Last night I cooked Pork chops from frozen. I found them a bit dry. I will have to work on that item. We did soft boil eggs. Wow I was surprised, they turn out perfect.
Yogurt is the next thing to try. In my opinion this is a great kitchen addition to have . Even thinking about get a 3 qt one for smaller batches.